June is National Cancer Survivor’s Month

June is National Cancer Survivors Month!
Who is a cancer survivor? According to the National Cancer Institute of USA, someone is considered a cancer survivor from the time of diagnosis throughout the rest of their life. An individual is considered a cancer survivor from the time of diagnosis, through the balance of his or her life. Every survivorship experience is unique as they may face challenges during and after treatments. With survivorship research, adverse effects will be controlled, treated, and prevented.
Many people who have not battled cancer are under the misconception that once treatment ends, the difficulties related to cancer come to a screeching stop. The truth is, however, moving forward as a survivor is accompanied by many new struggles.
Along with survivorship often comes physical, emotional, and financial hardship. Though often only the tip of the iceberg, treatment leaves the human body fatigued and weak. It often takes a long time for the body to adjust and adapt to the new normal. Even while understanding this in theory, it can be especially demotivating to survivors.
I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the year 2000. A state-of-the-art clinical trial saved my life. Twenty years later the treatments and therapies have advanced to such an extent that the protocol I received is seldom used. The past two decades of breathtaking research can truly bring hope to you who have been recently diagnosed.
Helping hands and hearts are waiting to help you. Be strong and know that you are not alone! ——Lee
This month, as survivors are celebrated and honored, it is important to remember that the battle is not necessarily over. Celebrating Survivorship in and of itself is a milestone to celebrate, but it is not the end of the challenging path. Being a cancer survivor is something to be proud of, and every moment of every day shows how triumphant you are.

Thanks to dedicated research teams, cancer survivor rates are continuing to increase. Many types of cancers are considered extremely treatable. To continue this upwards trend, it is important that everyone, regardless of whether or not they have had cancer in the past, schedule regular screening appointments as recommended. Abiding by the cancer screening guidelines assists in early detection, ultimately increasing one’s chance of survival.